Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Yes, No, And Grow (God’s Answers to Our Prayers)

For those of you that don’t know, my wife and I went through a difficult month last November.  We had a failed adoption of a newborn baby that we had been anxiously awaiting for at least six months prior.  We were in the hospital for his birth, and even spent several days in the hospital with him before he was able to go home. It all seemed so meant to be.  He was even born on my wife’s birthday.  Long story short, he went home with us, and the following Monday we got the call that changed everything.  The day the adoption paperwork was supposed to be signed, we had to return Baby E. 

I’m not going to lie, my first reaction was, “why, God?”  Why did you bring him into our lives only to take him away from us; something that we have wanted and prayed about for such a long time. Why are You doing this to us?  I know that we are not supposed to question God, but I couldn’t help it. 

But, now looking back on it I believe I can see the reasoning behind everything.  Our answers to our prayers were to “grow”.  Grow in my relationship with Him.  Also, I believe our time with Baby E was meant to show his mother that she can do it.  She can parent him and be the mother that she was meant to be.  We were the ones keeping him safe while she discovered that about herself.  And, looking back now, I’m honored that God had such faith and trust in me and my wife to make us “caretakers” of Baby E, if even for such a short time.  I’m thankful to God for that experience.